3 Great Tips for Getting More Consulting Clients

For consultants, one of the most critical aspects of doing business is considering the best way to drum up more business. There are many ways to search for more clients, but as with most things, there are some ways that are more effective than others. The following is a collection of tips that can help you to acquire consulting clients more efficiently.
Develop a profile
If you don’t already have a firm idea of who your ideal client is, you need to develop a profile that describes the perfect client for your consulting business. Knowing details such as industry, job title, and location can help narrow down the field of possible clients to a more manageable number that is more likely to benefit from your consulting help. These are the clients that are more likely to come back and continue providing you with business in the future.
Make a pre-sale checklist
While it may not be evident at first glance, there is more to a sales call than the conversation. Leveraging the “pre-sale” process can help set up a more effective sales call that is more likely to result in a positive outcome. Put together a pre-sales checklist that helps your prospective client better understand the purpose of the call, what you do as a consultant, and details of your ability to help them. Completing this process can improve the chances that a potential client will be interested in your services.
Ask questions
Don’t fall into the trap of spending too much time during a sales call plugging your services. Spend more time during calls asking intelligent questions of potential clients, the type of questions that help you learn more about their specific situation. Asking thoughtful and meaningful questions helps set you up in the eyes of a potential client to be knowledgeable and experienced in your field. This raises your perceived value and helps to engage a potential client in the process.
Getting more consulting clients can be a complicated process. Still, by having a solid game plan and following some simple tips, the process can be simplified and streamlined while also improving the rates at which you acquire new clients. Remember to spend the time to put together an intelligent strategy so that you don’t waste your time and energy on plans with low rates of return.