Great Apps for Consultants

Consultants are an important resource for many businesses. Whether they’re counseling big enterprise level businesses on ways to adapt to technology or helping entrepreneurs get started, consultants help keep the economy going. However, being a consultant can be a challenge. It requires incredible self-motivation and time management. For some consultants, it can be difficult to track billable hours accurately. Consultants also need to manage all the administrative tasks, update the website and advertising for their businesses. Luckily, the technology exists to help provide solutions for these issues. There are plenty of mobile apps that have made running a consulting business easier than ever.

One great tool for anyone in any business is Evernote. This app is more than just a great way to take notes. Evernote includes features like a document scanner, a web clipper, and free templates. It provides a convenient place to centralize resources and store them. Evernote is also a great way to keep track of action items and stay on task. Additionally, this app has some longevity. That’s important because it’s been around long enough that plenty of other platforms work with it. For example, virtual assistants on platforms like FancyHands will be able to update things in Evernote.

RescueTime is a wonderful app that helps people excel at time management. Time management is one of the most pressing issues for any consulting business. The internet is a technological marvel that has revolutionized work. It’s opened plenty of business possibilities for people. However, it’s also full of distractions like YouTube, social media, and news sites. Rescue Time tracks where people spend their time online and provides them with data and analysis of that time. It’s also got valuable tools like alerts. Users are able to set a time limit for a task, and then they’re notified when it’s up. This app can be a great way to increase productivity.

LastPass is a password management tool. Consultants work with a number of clients, and it can be difficult to track all that login information. LastPass is a secure place to store all that very important data. LastPass provides peace of mind and helps to streamline daily tasks. With this tool, consultants only need to remember one password.