Consulting Insights: How to Help Your Team During the Return to Work Transition

The transition back to the office is often one of the more stressful moments for a team after a long vacation. While some can handle it like professionals, some struggle with coming to work after weeks of living in the lazy paradise that is summer. This blog post will discuss how best to lead your team through this transitional period.
1. Be understanding
As such, a manager needs to be understanding. If employees arrive on time, that’s great! But if they’re a bit late, don’t immediately assume that it’s because they got too drunk last night at their going away party. Instead, ask them what the deal is. Perhaps they were running late because they wanted to say goodbye to their significant other before leaving.
2. Be enthusiastic
While employees’ day-to-day tasks may seem mundane, they’re vital to the company’s proper functioning. If a manager is not in a position to make sure things get done, don’t expect the team members to do it for you.
3. Be helpful
By all means, help the team members with anything they need. If they want to work from home because their apartment is undergoing construction, let them! On the other hand, some things are not up for negotiations. If one of the employees has a pet turtle, make sure it’s safe and sound before allowing them back into the office.
4. Set an Example
Expectations often follow suit. If you want the employees to be punctual, then the manager needs to be punctual. If a manager wants employees to be helpful, helpful is what they’ll be. It’s essential to set the right tone.
5. Be Patient
Managers need to understand that it may take time for the team to get their groove back. This is part of what the transition back to the office is all about. Having been away from the office for so long, the employees will naturally have some chores that they need to get done. They may be slow to respond, and their responses may seem a bit flat.
6. Be Ready to Tackle New Challenges
While management is all about the long-term vision, it is also about the business’s current challenges. For example, if one of the employees has been absent for a few days and has been a pain to deal with, the manager will need to be ready to tackle this new challenge. One way might be to hold an extra meeting or assign some extra work.
With the proper preparation, getting back into the office can be a smooth process. The manager should always keep one goal: making sure their team members do their jobs well and get their work done without issues.