Knowing When a Consultant Could Help Your Business

Knowing When a Consultant Could Help Your Business

As a business owner, there are many scenarios in which hiring an experienced business consultant can be immensely helpful. Having someone with this level of experience can help you navigate the many uncertainties that come with running a successful business....
Consulting Insights: Qualities of an Excellent HR Manager

Consulting Insights: Qualities of an Excellent HR Manager

Human Resources (HR) is a great field for individuals who are driven and organized. As the business world becomes more focused on developing talent, more companies are starting to hire HR professionals. One of the most important factors that HR professionals must...
Freelance Consulting vs Working for a Firm

Freelance Consulting vs Working for a Firm

The concept of seeking advice is thousands of years old. However, until the 20th century, the consulting industry didn’t exist. Back then, only a few businesses could afford to receive expert advice. Fortunately, with the rise of technology, many companies now...
Consulting Insights: Managing Mergers and Acquisitions

Consulting Insights: Managing Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers can create immense anxiety among senior leaders and staff members. These changes go beyond a new name and culture and affect the core of an organization’s identity. Even small changes can rattle employees, so having the proper tools and resources to...