Gregg Jaclin's Blog

Consulting Insights: New Year, New Team Goals

Consulting Insights: New Year, New Team Goals

Moving into the New Year, if you’re like most businesses, it’s probably time to set new goals for your team. The goals you select will determine the areas of your operations that you focus on and may influence how you measure your team’s success. As a result, don’t...

Top 5 Consulting Myths

Top 5 Consulting Myths

The life of a consultant is often misunderstood. They are often perceived as traveling around to big cities, rubbing shoulders with top-level executives, and constantly working. While these things may be true for some consultants at some point in their careers, they...

8 Essential Consulting Business Metrics

8 Essential Consulting Business Metrics

Tracking metrics is key to measuring success, planning for the future, and identifying weak points in any business. For consulting companies especially, some metrics are essential to keep up with. Projects vary, which means revenue can vary significantly, and...

How to Form a Team of Consultants

How to Form a Team of Consultants

In-house consulting groups play a critical role in solving an organization's most essential operations and strategy problems. Internal consultants have numerous benefits over external consultants, including an integrated understanding of the organization, attraction...